I don’t always drink beer with cigars, but when I do…

Most cigar connoisseurs don’t think beer and cigars mix well. I happen to be a big fan of a good beer..besides being a huge cigar enthusiast. Therefore, I have tried several beers with my cigars to see which ones work together best.beer and cigars

In my opinion, the stronger/richer beers work well with a cigar. Some of the best are made by Sam Adams. One of my all time favorites is their seasonal brew “Octoberfest”. The demand for this particular beer has really risen in recent years. I make sure to buy a few cases as soon as it comes out (Usually end of August-September). They make a limited supply so dont wait till the last minute. Grab yours while it’s fresh. As a backup option, they brew their “Boston Lager” year round and its also a great one. These beers can hang with your strongest smokes, such as the Padron 5000 or any full bodied cigar.

from www.samueladams.com

If you are not a heavy beer drinker and prefer to stick with the light stuff… then I would recommend my favorite light beer “Amstel Light”. I feel like it gives you more flavor and can hang with a cigar better than the rest (Miller, Bud, etc.). You might want to pair it with a light or medium smoke such as the San Cristobal Elegancia.

from www.amstellight.com


In conclusion: I always prefer a mixed cocktail or diet coke when having a good cigar… but if you are in the situation where beer is the option then try some of the above choices. You wont be disappointed.

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