Tag Archives: humidor

Bringing back a neglected humidor..

I am far from an expert on cigar maintenance but I do have some good experience that I can offer to help revive your humidor…humidor

The first thing you need to do is go thru your cigars and see what is worth saving. Then get some Humipacks. I have the brand I prefer located on my Homepage under “products I recommend”. Next, Take your cigars and place put them in a ziplock bag with at least one Humipack..depending on the amount of cigars/size of the bag.

Boveda humipack

The next thing I like to do is really clean the entire humidor from any losse pieces of tabacco. I use a small shark vacuum then wipe the rest down with a damp cloth(only use distilled water). The next step is to get the humidity level back to a consistent number. I prefer between 69-70. If you have a small humidor then you can use a variety of humidification tools. You can actually use the same Humipacks mentioned earlier. They usually last around 30 days, so you’ll have to keep an eye on them to change them out when needed.

My Humidor is pretty large so I use the Cigar Oasis to keep the humidity consistent (Click Here to read more about it). The Cigar Oasis has a built in digital display that shows the humidity level at all times. If you are going to use another humidification device, then make sure you buy a small Hygrometer. These are relatively cheap (Around $10) and available at all local cigar stores.


Small Hygrometer


In Conclusion… If you want to keep your cigars fresh then they need constant attention and a consistent environment.  If you have neglected your humidor..dont worry. It can be saved and brought back to life using the simple steps above.


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My secret to a perfect humidor… The Cigar Oasis

I started out like most beginner cigar fans..with a relatively small humidor. In the early days, I would smoke my small inventory rather quickly. Therefore, I never really saw the effects of keeping a good consistent humidor on my cigars. Once I purchased  a larger (50 count) model I began to to see how difficult this could be.


I found myself constantly (almost daily) checking the humidor. What started as a fun hobby…became work. I was determined to find a better way to keep cigars over time without the hassle. That’s when I discovered the “Cigar Oasis”. This little machine took away all the aggravation and has never let me down. 

The Cigar Oasis is relatively compact. It has a paper-thin cord that slips right thru the crack of your humidor opening, which allows it to be plugged into a power outlet at all times. The top of the unit has a digital display that you can adjust and always reads the current humidity level of your humidor. I have a glass top humidor and can check this without even opening the lid. Click here to see more pictures of my setup. The original water cartridge lasted me a while. Whenever I see the humidity level drop, I simply remove the cartridge and add some distilled water. This usually keeps it going for at least a month. There is very little additional work and I receive many many compliments on the condition of my cigars… Especially the ones that have been aging over the years. 


In conclusion…. I highly recommend the Cigar Oasis for your medium to large humidors (Especially when storing cigars for longer periods of time).  I know that there are several local shops in my area (and I assume yours) that will carry the Cigar Oasis. If not then you can definitely find them online. Price is based on model size and ranges between $80 -$200.



Filed under Smoke Thoughts